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7 Tips To Write Clean And Better Code in 2020 Elevate Your Code: Quick Tips for Writing Clean and Elegant Scripts
Quick Tips

Elevate Your Code: Quick Tips for Writing Clean and Elegant Scripts

Writing clean and elegant code is not just a matter of aesthetics; it’s a fundamental aspect of effective software development. Clean code is easier to maintain, less prone to bugs, and more understandable for collaborators. In this guide, we’ll explore quick tips to elevate your code and cultivate a habit of writing scripts that are not only functional but also a joy to work with.

1. Follow a Consistent Coding Style

Consistency in coding style is key to readability. Whether you prefer camelCase, snake_case, or another convention, stick to it throughout your script. Consistent indentation, spacing, and naming conventions create a unified and professional appearance.

2. Write Self-Documenting Code

Strive to write code that is self-explanatory. Use meaningful variable and function names that convey their purpose. Well-named entities eliminate the need for excessive comments and make the code more accessible to others (and to future you).

3. Break Down Complex Tasks into Functions

When faced with a complex task, break it down into smaller, more manageable functions. Each function should have a single responsibility and a clear purpose. This not only enhances code organization but also makes it easier to test and troubleshoot individual components.

4. Keep Functions Short and Focused

Aim for concise and focused functions. The Single Responsibility Principle suggests that each function should do one thing and do it well. Short functions are easier to understand, test, and maintain. If a function becomes too long, consider breaking it into smaller, more focused functions.

5. Use Descriptive Comments Sparingly

While clean code should be self-documenting, there are instances where comments are necessary. Use comments sparingly and focus on explaining the “why” rather than the “what.” Comments should provide insights that are not immediately obvious from the code itself.

6. Optimize for Readability

Prioritize readability over cleverness. Code is read more often than it is written, so optimize for clarity. Choose descriptive variable names, avoid overly complex expressions, and structure your code in a way that flows logically. Readable code is maintainable code.

7. Handle Errors Gracefully

Plan for and handle errors gracefully. Use try-catch blocks where appropriate and provide meaningful error messages. By addressing potential issues in a clear and systematic manner, you enhance the robustness of your scripts and make them more user-friendly.

8. Avoid Magic Numbers and Hard-Coded Values

Avoid using magic numbers or hard-coded values directly in your code. Assign such values to named constants or variables with descriptive names. This practice not only improves code readability but also makes it easier to update values in the future without searching through the entire script.

9. Consolidate Imports and Declarations

Keep your import statements and variable declarations organized and consolidated. Group related imports together, and declare variables at the beginning of the script or within the relevant scope. This organization enhances the overall structure of your code.

10. Regularly Refactor and Optimize

Regularly revisit your code for refactoring and optimization. As your understanding of the problem domain evolves or as new requirements arise, adjust your code accordingly. Refactoring improves code quality and ensures that your scripts remain clean and maintainable over time.


Writing clean and elegant scripts is a skill that can significantly impact your effectiveness as a developer. By following a consistent coding style, writing self-documenting code, breaking down complex tasks into functions, keeping functions short and focused, using comments sparingly, optimizing for readability, handling errors gracefully, avoiding magic numbers, consolidating imports and declarations, and regularly refactoring and optimizing, you can elevate your code to new heights and contribute to a culture of excellence in software development.

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